This site is for active social drinkers who choose to drink less through moderation. It is not intended for members of Alcoholics Anonymous who practice abstinence.
My name is Sam, and my wife and I own and operate fifteen AirBnB vacation rental properties in Folly Beach South Carolina – just outside of Charleston. Folly is one of the top surfing locations on the east coast and with that comes a Bohemian party vibe and dozens of bars and restaurants.
It’s the kind of place where you could sit at a bar between a surfer dude and a CEO and not tell them apart by looking at them--and they’d each offer to buy you a drink. Since we moved here and started hosting in 2012 we’ve maintained this vibe drink by drink with many of our guests.
In addition, Charleston continues to gain acclaim as a wedding and bachelor/ bachelorette party destination due in part to its Southern Charm and an award winning culinary and bar scene. Suffice it to say there’s an invitation to drink here 8-days a week…..
My Story: Surf, Sand, and a Silver Lining
The Birth of the CoiN
In October 2021 I found my drinking getting out of control, and with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous I got sober for one year. It was surprising to me when I analyzed my drinking in my journal how much more I missed the taste and social aspect of alcohol compared to the BUZZ, and I thought WHAT IF I DECIDED TO DRINK AGAIN, and LIMIT MYSELF to a certain number of drinks per day.
I liked the Medallions that AA uses to recognize sobriety milestones ( ie 1 day, 7 day, 30 day etc.), and I realized the Coin lent itself perfectly to the concept of TWO (2 sides to every Coin). And using the classic drinking terms of “First Round” and “Last Call” came up with the idea for this Coin.
I’ve always been goal driven and I like to challenge myself--especially when I was told by some folks in AA who had decades of sobriety that I was chasing fool’s gold with attempting to drink again, then thinking I could actually stop.
First round. last call.
I discovered what are called CHALLENGE COINS that have been used for centuries by military regimes, law enforcement, and fraternal organizations like Free Masons to celebrate achievements or membership, and I wanted to create a similar thing to help me drink less.
Thus the First Round Last Call Challenge Coin™ was born.
I found a manufacturer to make the Coin to my specs, and one of the things I liked about them is that they make their Coins thicker than the industry standard… so they are HEAVY. When this Coin is in your pocket YOU REALLY FEEL IT (actual Coin weight is equal to 8 Quarters USD). And that’s what I want for users….. to FEEL THE WEIGHT and also the RESPONSIBILITY of what this Coin represents.
In August 2022 I ordered my first demo batch of Coins, and since Oct 2, 2022—my 1 year sobriety anniversary-- I have been effectively using this Coin as a TOOL, and a PERSONAL GUARANTEE to myself to just have 2 drinks THEN STOP.
Bar talk
Every place I sat down to have a drink I very conspicuously put this big Coin on the bar or table and something magic always happened. PEOPLE ASKED ME ABOUT IT! And the more I told my story the more I became committed to just have two drinks THEN STOP.
100% of the people I have shown this Coin to thought it was a great idea and that I should take it to market. My target audience is NOT people in AA, but those active drinkers who may be seeking to DRINK LESS.
With the huge growth of DRY JANUARY in recent years, and the explosion of sales in the non-alcoholic beer / drink sector, I feel there is a ready market for this concept.
I have my life back
I am happy to say that now more than 1 year into using this Coin as a tool to practice MODERATION DRINKING I have my life back, my wife back, and most importantly MY INTEGRITY BACK. My hope is that you can use this Coin as a tool like I did, and commit to MODERATION DRINKING. Even if it’s just one day a week or one day a month, or every day for the rest of your life like I am striving for… this Coin can help you move the needle in the right direction and DRINK LESS. And if I can do it here on the beach in this party town you can do it wherever you are!
In addition, this Coin comes with a PERSONAL GUARANTEE--- But it doesn’t come from ME. And, this is the best part--because you won’t be able to order the Coin until you agree to a CODE OF CONDUCT to abide by the spirit of the Coin whenever you choose to deploy it.
On the days you choose to drink less you carry the Coin. Have one drink (First Round). Have a second drink (Last Call). When Last Call is done, you STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL for the rest of the day. That’s the CHALLENGE part of this Coin.
It’s that simple. If you want to order this Coin you must make a PERSONAL GUARANTEE TO YOURSELF to abide by The Code of Conduct before you can place an order. So if the Coin doesn’t work for you, it means you didn’t follow the Code.
THAT’S ON YOU, not me.
This Coin has made me feel EMPOWERED to effect change in my life, and I want to give that same feeling to everyone who may need help drinking less. It has also made me more ACCOUNTABLE not only with my own drinking but in other aspects of my life as well. Accountability is something I think we as a nation have drifted away from.
Our kids have grown up on video games and when things don’t go right they can just hit a reset button. And It’s become easier to blame and sue somebody than it is to own a problem we may have created. Part of my mission is to help people become more empowered and accountable- one Coin at a time. Sounds bold, but the fact that you and thousands of others are clicking and reading my site and actually ordering the First Round Last Call Challenge Coin™ tells me this mission isn’t so far-fetched. Imagine what the United States of America could be like if 100 or 1,000 or 1,000,000 of your neighbors became more accountable.
Crafted in freedom
Another patriotic touchpoint is the company that actually makes these Coins for me is the largest Veteran owned Coin minter in the USA, and most of their employees are Vets. So not only will you feel good about the MESSAGE and MEANING of this Coin, you can feel proud you supported the MANUFACTURER because they helped defend the very freedom that allows somebody like me to start this venture and help others like you.
resources in reach
I realize that there are some folks out there who want to drink less, but can’t. They may buy the Coin and not be able to stop after Last Call. At the very least this Coin can serve as a speed bump that can help them realize they may be an alcoholic or have deeper addiction issues.
The CAN’T STOP DRINKING Tab has lots of resources including links to Alcholics Anonymous Chapters nationwide , rehab centers, and 24x7 Hotlines you can call for help. There are also links to other tools and tactics you can use to practice MODERATION DRINKING, under the MODERATION RESOURCES tab.
What’s it cost?
So how much does the First Round Last Call Challenge Coin™ cost? The price was created out of the DNA behind the Coin itself --TWO sides, and the message I am sending--TWO drinks; and lastly…the serendipitous birthdate of its creator, me. For real…. my birthday is February 22nd (2-22). It seems everything is coming up TWO’s!!!
Introductory Price!
So here it is, the introductory price to buy this First Round Last Call Challenge Coin™ that comes with a personal guarantee you will drink less is a very affordable $22 (plus shipping and handling). If you were ever thinking of committing to MODERATION DRINKING this Coin is the perfect tool to help you, and is now available at a super low price. Click below to order.
Moderationdrinking.com proudly supports the work of Mothers Against Drunk Driving South Carolina. Never drive after drinking.
Be Safe. Be True.